Our Team

Innocent Minega

Executive Director

Courriel: direction@rsfs.ca
Cell: 306-229-4069

Céline Guilloizeau

Project Coordinator and Communications Officer (social media and newsletters)

Courriel: rsfs.coordination@sasktel.net
Cell: 306-229-4647

Fatuma Omari

Assistant — Projects and Administration

Courriel: soutien@rsfs.ca
Cell: 306-291-2650

Jean-Pierre Picard

Communications Officer (Press releases and website)

Courriel: communications@rsfs.ca
Cell: 306-216-0196

Allysha Larsen

Healthy Start and Early Childhood

Courriel: departsante@rsfs.ca
Tél: 306-850-6684

Board of Directors
  • Abdoulaye Yoh

    Community Representative
  • Dianne Lepage

    Community Representative
  • Geneviève Clark

    Educational Institutions Representative
  • France Tremblay

    Community Representative
  • Kholoud Jdi

    Health Professionals Representative
  • Walter Chizzini

    Community Representative
  • Mamadou Baldé

    Educational Institutions Representative
  • Élisabeth Foucault

    Health Professionals Representative
  • Dominique Losier

    Service Organization Representative
  • Vacant

    Service Organization Representative
  • Monique Ramage

    Ad hoc Representative 

    Assemblée communautaire fransaskoise

  • Stephen Trott

    Observer for the Saskatchewan Government
    Health Minister
  • Charles-Henri Warren

    Observer for the Saskatchewan Government
    Francophone Affairs 

Vision and Mission


VISION :  Francophones in Saskatchewan have access to high-quality health services in French based on their needs.

MISSION :  The Réseau Santé en français de la Saskatchewan contributes actively towards improving access to French-language health services by engaging and supporting all partners in health in Saskatchewan..


The Réseau Santé en français de la Saskatchewan carries out its mission in accordance with the following values:

  • Respect: for persons and institutions
  • Engagement: promoting participation and synergy between our partners
  • Integrity: act at all times with honesty and transparency
  • Collaboration: work with all health partners in accordance with the other’s mandate.


Focus   Expected Outcomes
1 Networking and Engagement The RSFS mobilizes policy makers and health services providers who are more committed to improving access to health services in French in the province.
2 Support for the Implementation of Programs and Services

New programs and health services adapted to the needs of the francophone population in rural and urban areas are put in place.

3 Support for Human Resources in Health — Mobilize, Promote and Empower The RSFS supports students and professionals in the health sector who acquire the tools they need to treat patients in French.
4 Knowledge Mobilization — Promotion and Communication The RSFS contributes to expanding knowledge in health and to its dissemination. SNHS initiatives are known and recognized..
5 Financial Resources Increase and Human Resources Development

The SNHS diversifies its financial resources and consolidates its human resources.


Our History

In early 2000, a number of social, cultural, economic and political issues drove the issue of French-language healthcare services to the forefront. The federal Minister of Health at the time, the Honourable Allan Rock, set up an advisory committee on the needs of Francophone minority communities. In a report submitted to the Minister in September 2001, that committee proposed a strategy for improving French-language services for Francophones across the country.

The committee then identified five levers of intervention: networking, service organization, training and recruitment of staff, new technologies and new research. The advisory committee then prioritized three of those: networking, service organization, and training. Those three priorities made their way into the Action Plan for Official Languages made public by the federal government in March 2003. The Action Plan allocated $119 million over five years to the effort, making it a priority in the health care sector. That is the context in which SSF was created in December 2002. The founding meeting brought together more than 125 representatives from every part of the country and from every category of partner. The advisory committee handed over to the Société the task of coordinating the networking and service organization initiatives.

At the same time, the francophone community of Saskatchewan established a Health team in 1999, which became a committee of the Assemblée communautaire fransaskoise under the name Comité de liaison d’actions en santé (CLAS). Its goal is to empower the francophone community in Saskatchewan, so that it can develop its own skills, take charge of its development and take action in the health field. 

The RSFS was officially founded on May 7, 2005. Since that day, the RSFS’s mandate has been to promote, protect and improve access to health services in French in Saskatchewan.[2] 

The RSFS is part of the 16 regional, provincial and territorial networks, all members of the Société Santé en français. All networks work toward cooperation between partners involved in improving access to health services in French in all provinces where it is not the language of the majority. The work of the RSFS is based on collaboration between multiple actors: health professionals, policy makers, administrators of healthcare institutions, academic institutions and community organizations.



Members of the RSFS are divided in two categories: voting members and affiliate members.

Voting Members
Voting members of the RSFS are individuals who meet the following conditions:

  • Are eighteen (18) years of age or older
  • Are a resident of the province of Saskatchewan
  • Agree with the vision and mandate of the Network and promote it
  • Submit a written application for membership using the form adopted by the Board of Directors
  • Commit to supporting the Network in its approach and take part in various ways to achieve its goals.

Affiliate Members
Any individual, healthcare institution, health agency or association, establishment or organization with a mandate that relates to the health field or to Canada’s francophone minority can become an affiliate member of the RSFS if they request it and agree with the Network’s vision and mandate. Affiliate members do not have the right to vote.



Partenaires et commanditaires